I just got off the phone with Jon and Gretchen and they are waiting for Griffin to get his PICC line placed in Interventional Radiology. It was revealed to Jon by the anesthesiologist that Griffin had complications with oxygen saturation during the first two procedures (Bone marrow biopsies). So now the doctors will be using another type of drug for anesthesia called Ketamine primarily used for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. Gretchen asked to continue to pray for Griffin.

Update on Griffin 3:21PM
Griffin received his PICC line which was placed into the right arm. The procedure was under general anesthesia without any complications. He has taken another dose of oral chemotherapy called decadron. Jon and Gretchen have met with some outpatient oncology team to start planning the outpatient based chemotherapy. Griffin is comfortable and sleeping for now.
Gretchen and Jon,
if you only could read all the emails i am recieving in support and prayer for you and Griffin.I have asked everyone i know to pray and they in turn have asked everyone they know to pray! just wanted you to know that there are thousands od people praying!!
And in addition to Sharon's thousands, I have called my church, BOC, Auntie Denny and her prayer group, and of course Brother Lito, my sister is praying...
kisses, kisses, kisses to Griffy
Gretchen and Jon,
I know how hard it could be to watch Griffin getting stuck for all those blood draws and IV's, but the PICC line will def. be worth it. While you guys are at the hospital, try to take advantage of the nursing care and TRY to get some rest and hopefully you'll be home soon. If you need any help when you do take Griffin home, I would be happy to help with any questions or an extra hand.
Take Care,
Cheryl and Rich
Dear Gretchan and Jon,
I was so upset when i found out that griffin was diagnosed with leukimia. But i know that with you guys and your family behind him that he will beat this and go on to live a very happy life. I will keep Griffin in my prayers every night and if you need any help at all don't hesitate to call.
Annemarie Mary Kay, James, and Jack
From San Francisco Bay Area,...our thoughts and prayers are with Griffin and Maks Family.
Hi Jon, Gretch & Family,
Always remember that if God put you to it, He will get you through it. Keep your faith always. I know it must be tough, but please lean on your family and friends when you need it! Take care of yourselves and you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Griffin is such a cute kid! His smile is priceless. Call or let us know if you need anything at all.
Love and hugs,
Tito Eddie, Tita Linda, Liezl and EJ
Gretchen & Family,
I know we don't know each other very well...in fact, we just formally met at Haley Navea's Christening celebration. (I am Christine's sister.) As I sit here reading about Griffin's challenging road ahead, with my napping newly 1 year old daughter at my side, my heart goes out to you, Gretchen. When you told me you were a mother of 2 year old triplets, I was already in awe of the strength you must possess as a mother and woman. Which leads me to know that Griffin possesses that same strength that will get him to that path of health and recovery.
I can see that you already have many close family and friends surrounding you with love and support... please know that even though we only spoke for a brief moment, my family's strongest thoughts and prayers are with you all throughout Griffin's journey.
~Jennifer, Gary & Luciana Rizzo
Fairfax, CA
Jon and Gretchen, we are going to call our prayer support in Madison the moment we get back and will surely keep you in our daily Mass prayers .
We love you and with your strong spirituality , God will guide you both with whatever plan He has for Griffin. Have trust in Him . You guys are a good team with Giselle and Paul It is such a memorable show of compassion and love .
Bernadette is praying too and so are all our family . Have faith .
Tita Marylou Tito Tim Bernadette and all of the galvez family .
Dear Gretchen and Jon,
Roz and I are extremely sadden by the news about Griffin. We can only imagine what you guys are going through. It seems Griffin has always been a fighter, and I believe he will fight through this as well. Our thoughts are with you.
Albert & Roselyn
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