Think of this word when you view the images of Griffin. The first couple of images are of Griffin in the beginning of May after initial diagnosis of his Leukemia and treatment.

Decadron also called Dexamethasone has many uses in the treatment of cancer. This medication is classified as a glucocorticosteroid and plays an important role in the treatment of Leukemia. There are a list of side effects that can be caused by taking the medication. The first few side effects include, increased appetite, irritability, and difficulty sleeping.

There are times when Griffin eats with so much gusto that you want to say to the guy, "Hey don't forget to breathe." I know it sounds too extreme to comment this way, but it's true. When Grif sees food, he wants it and he wants it now. Do you know any kids that like salad? Fresh fruit and vegetables are not on the list of foods of many kids. And these foods are Griffin's list of 'Foods to avoid.'One excuse comes to mind when you see a reaction like this; it must be the medication.

When Griffin does not get to have the food he wants and sees he gets mad. Not just crying mad, like kicking and screaming mad. It must be the medication. And when he is up late crying for no particular reason and he just wants mommy or papa to hold him, then it must be the medication. The decadron is scheduled to end this week.

Jon and Gretchen are determined to get through all of 'this.' And another hurdle will take place on Wednesday May 28, Griffin is scheduled to have port-a-cath placed. A small device placed under the skin. It empties into a blood vessel and makes it easier to give chemotherapy and to take blood for tests. He will be in the hospital for same day procedures and he will be given anesthesia. Please continue to pray for Griffin and his family.
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