Griffin's discharge was postponed yesterday because the home health care agency was unable to provide materials and
meds needed at the house. The plan is for the home health care agency to drop off all materials at 4PM, the family should be discharged by 12PM. Griffin is currently in the process of a barium swallow study. Griffin was also moved last night into a shared room. He had to give up his private bed. More updates later.
Update 6:20PMGriffin and parents finally made it home. Griffin became nauseated and vomitted in the car. Looking forward to a restful night for all. More info to come Gretchen could not talk because she was cleaning Griffin.
Congratulations on making it home, Griffin!!! That must have been a huge step in your recovery and nothing can replace the comfort of your own home.
Be strong and keep fighting.
I am so glad to read that Griffin made it home! I am grateful for this blog to keep me informed. Sending and love and prayers from Los Angeles.
YEAH! We are so happy to have you home Griffy! Noelle, Phoebe and Sonny prayed for you tonight. Keep fighting this, you are a strong boy. God is with you!
SO glad that Griffin is home!! Slwwp well in your own bed and keep up the good fight!
Laura from Triplet Tree
i'm so happy to hear griffin made it home,and i'm sure he's going to feel better in his own bed and at his sweet home.
i thrust you griffin,you are going to fight and you're going to win. by the way i miss you and your sister and brother so much.
god bless you
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