7:30Am Griffin is strapped into his car seat for the 15 mile ride to Children's Memorial Hospital. The ride is slow and arduous due to the fact that the Edens Expressway is under construction and only 2 out of 3 lanes are open. Not to mention the fact that rush hour traffic is in full throttle.

During this part of the day Maureen has to go over the procedures for the day with Gretchen and evaluate the progress of Griffin's health since he has been at home. At this time his vital signs, height, and weight are recorded. After all is said and done Griffin gets to pick a toy out of the 'treasure' box.
9:15AM Griffin and Gretchen are back in the waiting room.
9:20AM Griffin and Gretchen are called into another room off of the waiting area where the blood tests are drawn from the PICC line that resides in Griffin's right arm. At this time a second nurse is also on hand to help assist with the blood draw and keep Griffin occupied while he screams and cries to his mommy(who is holding Griffin) to get him away and out from this room. Additional teaching and information is exchanged between the nurse and Gretchen regarding the maintenance of the PICC line. Griffin receives a sticker. After the blood is drawn, Griffin and Gretchen are back in the waiting room. There are more families present so space is tight, but a empty seats are found side-by-side.
9:30AM Griffin and Gretchen are led down to the 2nd floor procedure suite. Maureen (NP) was able to squeeze Griffin in for a 10:30AM appointment. Original procedure time was 1PM. It is here that Griffin and Gretchen meet the nurses and anesthesiologists who will be present during the procedure and also in the recovery room. More questions are asked about Griffin's history, more vital signs are taken, and Griffin is suppose to get into a gown (but he does not want to). Griffin receives a nebulizing treatment prior to the procedure and a calming medication of versed is given. The versed medication is suppose to help Griffin relax due to the fact that every change in his environment is a disruption in his personal space. (For example, Griffin does not want to change in a hospital gown. He does not want to get out of the stroller. He does not want the television at a level that is closer for him to see. He does not want to take off his socks. He does not want mommy to sit down. He dose not want the doctors or nurses to touch him. He does not want to be at the hospital.) Was this medication for Griffin? or for the benefit of the medical staff? I would say both considering what needs to be done is still too much for Griffin to understand. The medical staff do not want to cause more stress for the patient and yet have to do their job.
10:25AM Griffin is cranky and tired and refuses to watch the personal television set. Griffin miraculously follows his nurse to the procedure room with out a tantrum. (Is the versed kicking in?) Keep in mind this is the only time in the day that Griffin has not cried when asked to do something. Up until this time Griffin has not been agreeable and uncooperative. (C'mon he is 29 months old people, how do you think he should act?). Gretchen waits for Griffin in the patient lounge waiting area down the hall from the procedure/operating room.
11:25AM Gretchen is called back into the recovery room area where Griffin is found very uncooperative. (Let's recap. Griffin has not eaten since dinner. He has had a sip of juice with his medication, woken up from his slumber in the early morning. He arrives at the hospital where his arms legs and chest have been poked, prodded, and assessed. He wakes in a strange room full of strangers after a procedure that causes pain to his right hip and back. He is not able to leave the recovery area for a short time because the nurse has to fully assess his progress after the procedure). By the way, two procedures were performed at the same time, a bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap. No blood transfusion is needed at this time(that would have taken 3-4 hours).
12PM Gretchen and Griffin are allowed to leave the recovery area and go home but not before having to proceed to the garage in the rain to get back in the car.
12:45PM Griffin and Gretchen are back at home and getting ready for lunch. Surprisingly, Griffin eats like he has never seen food.
2PM Griffin pads down to nap for a couple of hours.
4:30Pm Griffin and Gretchen eat dinner.
6PM Griffin takes more medications. And reads a whole basketful of books.
7PM Griffin gets ready for bed.
Throughout the day Griffin's mood is up and then down, which can be caused from the decadron. Griffin is exhibiting high need behaviors one minute then agreeable and sweet-as-pie the next. Almost every answer to questions is "NO" and then sometimes he will be agreeable and does what is asked. Griffin may not communicate with words all the time and he does not fully understand why he has to do some things. Continue to pray for Griffin and his family. The whole family is now under one roof. Getting along with the schedule? Yes in some sorts. Please continue to leave your comments for Gretchen and Jon.
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