Griffin was able to see his brothers and sister this morning. He was fighting his big brother Everest like nothing has ever happened. Then he walked his big brother to the bus stop. Griffin walks back and forth from TV to TV to watch Blues Clues and Dora and Diego. The home health nurse came by and taught Gretchen how to flush the PICC line and how to record vital signs. Griffin has a few things scheduled for tomorrow. He is on the outpatient schedule for a bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap where the doctors will administer chemotherapy at the same time. The planned time is 11:00AM. In addition blood draws will be obtained and it will be determined if a another blood transfusion will be needed. Please pray for Griffin's fast return as Gretchen will be in the recovery waiting room.
heyyy...look at this boy :) how looks handsome.
i feel very happy to hear that he is in his normal daily life. fighting with everest,waiting for everests scool bus...i know them :)
love you griff
welcome home griffin! keep fightin' little man... we're all here for you!
michele, andy, & misha
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