A couple of updates to note. Griffin's days at Children's Memorial continues to be Thursdays, and with the July 4th holiday the same day hospital was double booked. This particular day was super busy for all the workers and for Gretchen and Griffin. Fortunately, Ninang Weng and sister Kailey came along for the ride and helped keep time moving. Kailey had so much fun playing with her brother Griffin and looks forward to the next time she is allowed to visit.

Griffin and family enjoyed a couple of family bar-b-ques and birthday/graduation celebrations over the weekend. It was during this time that Gretchen and Jon noticed a protuberance from Griffin's Port-A-Cath site. It seems that one of Griffin's stitches is 'peeking' out from under the skin. The cath site looks more like a nuisance than it is since Griffin is not complaining of pain nor itching. The skin and area around the site continues to maintain it's integrity, and no infection is observed. Check out the next couple images.

JULY 7, 2008
Gretchen and Jon maintained close observation of Griffin's site and had it checked out at the day hospital this past Monday July 7, 2008. Per a surgical resident the Port-A-Cath is in no need of revision nor the suture need not be removed.

After the visit to the hospital Griffin remained his usual 3 year old Griffy-self and enjoyed a popsicle with his brothers, sister, and cousins happy to see him back home.

Talking to Gretchen today, and it seems another stitch/suture is 'peeking' out from under Griffin's skin. Gretchen and Jon continue to communicate to the staff at Children's and will continue to monitor Griffin.
As for Griffin's medication regimen, decadron has been added to the mix of oral chemotherapy medications and there is no 'scheduled' visit to the hospital this Thursday. Please continue to pray for Griffin's health and do not forget to leave your comments.
1 comment:
HI Griffin,
Keep figthing little warrior. You are a true soldier fighting a real battle. Beat this out of your body. I will pray for you. I will also tell Nem and Gen to pray for you. Be strong and keep smiling;
Tita LOurdeline
Pasig City, Philippines
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