In celebration of the Summer time Griffin has been able to enjoy more public outings. His face has graced a couple family gatherings and picnics. It would be hard to pick Griffin out from the gaggle of kids that swarm the playground. His illness is not readily seen. Even if Griffin were laying down in the Same Day surgery beds one would be hard pressed to know that Griffin was the patient. Amongst his peers he is just like any other boy or girl laughing, smiling, running, and crying out with joy. He has no reservations when it comes to playtime and doing all things fun. Why should he have to worry? And what would Griffin have to worry about? Of course when it comes to Jon and Gretchen, the day's activities are fraught with 'What Ifs." What if there is someone who is sick at this gathering? Or What if Griffin gets hurt while playing with the other kids? What if Griffin becomes ill?

The weeks have passed and many events have taken place. Griffin's schedule remains planned out to visit the hospital every Thursday. The Consolidation phase for Griffin has been a 'coasting' time. The type of procedures that Griffin has had to endure in the initial weeks has decreased for this phase. So here is a recap of the events since June 5, 2008.
June 12, 2008

Big brother Everest accompanied Griffin for his weekly visit. Everest had already known about Griffin's illness. Everest showed Griffin compassion and understanding and continues to do so beyond what an almost 6 year old should have to know. But on this particular Thursday Everest was able to truly grasp the idea and see what Griffin has had to endure all these weeks. Everest had to roll out of bed at the crack of dawn, like Griffin, to travel to the Children's Hospital. Everest met some of the hospital staff and saw first hand the different events that take place for Griffin. Everest enjoyed the day and commented on the little 'extras' that Griffin experiences. In reference to the wall mounted television above each Same Day hospital bed, food service, and video games, Everest commented,
"It's like a hotel in here"
Everest also said,
"This is the good life."

The day was long and both Griffin and Everest's patience was wearing thin, but thankfully to the efforts of Ninang Rowena who also accompanied the crew, their was an extra eye to keep the kids on track. Check out Gretchen's images of that day.
June 19, 2008
On this Thursday, Gretchen followed the advise of the hospital staff, and arrived extra early. The procedure that Griffin was to receive was planned to happen early and Griffin and Gretchen had planned to be home before lunch. Unfortunately, there were emergencies with other patients in the procedure suite, and Griffin was bumped back on the schedule. The day was long and Griffin was very, very hungry, and probably cranky. Fortunately, for Griffin and Gretchen, Tita Julie, brightened up the day and helped bide the time until the day was over.
June 26, 2008
Three weeks have gone by since the last posting. I just got off the phone with Gretchen and have news to report. Griffin was scheduled to have blood draws and injections of a medication called Pegasperiginase. The protocol after administration of this medication is to monitor the patient for possible allergic reaction. So after the medication was administered, unfortunately, Griffin did present with an allergic reaction. Immediate medical attention was given to Griffin in addition to medications to counteract the reaction. Griffin has been on doses of benadryl, solumedrol, and epinephrine. He was currently admitted this evening and Gretchen has been by Griffin's side throughout all the events. Tita Julie was also present during the day and was first on hand to observe Griffin's initial allergic reaction. Jon has been busy getting the kids ready for bed with dinner and a bath. He is on his way to the hospital, and MamaRita will be on hand with Everest, Hudson, and Kailey.

Gretchen and Jon want to Thank Everyone for the cards, notes, prayers, and positive thoughts. Please continue your prayers for Griffin's return home.
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