"Whoa, Where have you been?" "What have you been up to lately?"
Have you heard these words before when you have not seen a friend in awhile? And yet whatever the reasons are that kept the relationship silent, it is as if no time has passed after the greetings are said, and conversation picks up right where it left off.
So here he is. In the following images you may not recognize him right away, he is there, he does not look sick, ill, or with cancer, because his smile, his scowl, his laugh, keeps him looking like all the other kids around him. You can even see the family that supports him and wakes up with him every late night because he is so hungry from the steroids, he has to eat something.

The Maks family have been growing, learning, and continue to journey on learning with every challenge that is presented. So what is Griffin up to now? Well, with only 3 days left, the Light the Night Walk will take place. Along with his family and friends, Griffin, will embark on another part of the journey. This cause will help to raise funds to continue the fight against and find the cure for Leukemia.
You need more info?
Follow along on the team page:

Catch the people involved in fighting Leukemia and the efforts that are being done. From the "Hoops for a Cause" event to the "Festivus" they are all there both in body and spirit.

Follow the people who have met there goal and are continuing to raise more money.
You want to join?
Come along, the team has won a tent, pizza, and route markers with Griffin's mug greeting the walkers along the way.

You want to walk?
Sign on up and welcome to the cause.
So what else do you want to know about Grif?
Let's see, there was the Florida road trip in April for a program called
"The Lighthouse"
A retreat for children with cancer and their families and a program run by many dedicated volunteers.
After Florida the Maks arrived in fashion just in time for Easter.

Summer was filled with all the summer glory, sort-of-hot weather, ice cream, water play at the beach, at Millenium Park with the cousins, Michigan jaunts to the Dunes and even a car ride to Canada.

Yes that is right Canada. The Maks' drove over 1,000 miles one way and with 4 kids under 7 years of age and a California uncle Ashlin in tow with stressed out anxious parents behind the wheel. The final destination was made in Mont Tremblant, Quebec Canada.
From the time of the last post in February to now, Griffin, has made a couple unscheduled visits to Children's Memorial Hospital. He was treated for a sort of maladies, including a bout of flu. He has recovered and has been able to start preschool with the rest of his peers.

At the time of writing this post, late night Wednesday, Griffin will have class pictures come Thursday morning and will then go to a scheduled visit to Children's Memorial for spinal tap and medications.
Please continue to pray for Griffin and his family. Send your positive thoughts his way.
You just want to know more about Griffin? Well, until next time.