Griffin was admitted to the 4Th floor Oncology floor into an isolation room He was started on Mirapenem (antibiotic), Intravenous fluids, and continuous pulse oximetry (a measurement of oxygen saturation in the blood- basically if numbers were low then supplemental oxygen would be needed).
The doctors told Gretchen and Jon chest x-ray results showed possible mid/lower lobe infiltrate. Other differential diagnoses included atalectasis. The plan is to have Griffin go home. Gretchen and Grif are waiting for Jon to pick them up from the hospital. Griffin was also found to have an increase in his blood count which is encouraging because then he will be able to receive chemotherapy, but not until this infection is cleared.
Continue to keep Griffin in your prayers, and Thank you for your comments.

With a temperature of 103.0, Griffin is on the way to Children's Memorial Hospital. Griffin was observed to develop a 'croupy' sounding cough and doctors were immediately notified by Gretchen earlier in the day, and ordered to monitor Grif for fever. Jon and Gretchen are at Griffin's side and the rest of the Maks family are at home with MamaRita. Updates will be posted as soon as Gretchen calls back with results from the hospital. Please continue to keep Griffin and the family in your prayers.