Happy Birthday Griffin!
Your age is written in single digits, but your life experiences suggest one whose years have seen beyond the 'Golden Days.' Will you remember this particular time? I think back to my earliest memories and remember the times when I was the most happy.
Your path seems fraught with many twists and turns, and I come to my own conclusion that your memories will be varied. I do not doubt you will remember these times.

Along with each twist and turn your mother has made sure to offer you only the best. I know your mother, she would want only the happiest of events to balance out the not-so-choice 'offerings.' With that being said, I ask you to remember deep in your heart the smile that you wore the night of your 3rd Birthday Party. Here are some pictures that captured the day you shared with Kailey and Hudson. The extravaganza of your birthday culminated at the Carousel of Elk Grove Village. Your birthday song was sung to you in front of your carousel cake. So many sights that late night to make one think that you partied like a rock star.