Griffin has been hanging in and around the house with his siblings. What else would a soon-to-be 3 year old be doing? Over the weekend, he helped his Papa Jon decorate the house with Halloween decorations and enjoyed the crisp autumn weather. Here are a couple images of Griffin and his siblings enjoying the autumn leaves.

Albeit, his rash remains since his admission into the hospital (a couple weeks ago), and his hair is disheveled in the front and thinning around the crown, his bright shining smile remains.

Griffin continues to follow the doctor's schedule and medication regimen. He has officially entered the 5th phase of his medication protocol, and is scheduled to visit the hospital once a month, for the next 3 years. At these scheduled visits, Griffin will undergo a spinal tap and chemotherapy administration. The doctors have told Gretchen that Griffin should not lose any more hair, and a much needed appointment at Kid Snips has been scheduled.

Listening to Gretchen's voice talk about the plan makes me feel a relief, kind of like, "Whew, Thank God, we have been able to get this far." And I do Thank God. My sister, Gretchen, has always had the penchant for creating a 'light goodness' to issues and factors and stories. But I can only imagine what lies behind those words, because if this were me and I wore my sister's shoes, I would want to scream my lungs out and exclaim,
"Why? Why my Griffin?"
There are no feasible answers that can allay my fear nor those of my sisters. But I continue to pray that God continues to give Gretchen and Jon the strength. Strength to get on with their daily lives in light of all of 'This.' I continue to pray that Griffin's body remains strong despite the fact that these medications that can eradicate the Leukemia may also destroy parts of his body. I continue to pray that Everest, Hudson, and Kailey will continue to thrive and know that Love surrounds all of them.
Please continue to send your positive energies for the Maks Family. Continue to pray for Griffin and his family.